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Science from the Soap Box

Here is where people in the public eye (artists and authors included) make themselves look stupid...they have an opinion. 

Just because someone is "somebody" seems to give them a leg up on making a fool of themself when expressing their political, social and/or cosmological beliefs.  I, myself, want to avoid coming across as Forest Gump thick because I felt like I had something to say but, lucky me, I really don't have anything to say and I'm a nobody!  Woo hoo!

Unfortunately, I've been asked about my views on time and dimensions (among other things) and I can't slither out of this one.

Okay, here is where I risk looking stupid.  In all fairness I've been asked, so if I do trip over my own dick trying to explain my views then please don't hold it against me.  I'm not a physicist, nor am I a mathematician, but I know when things don't quite add up.



gravity and mass...

EM scale and photons...

size and age of the universe...

black holes and proto-stars...

the dark stuff...

Alrighty, if you have taken the time to read the above diatribes you'll probably realize that I'm about as looney-toons as they come.  In the  not so distant past I'd have been burned at the stake as a heretic, and just a few decades ago I'd have found myself in a padded room.  What sucks is you can't lock us nut-cases up anymore!

It is said that God protects fools and babies and, in this venue, I just
so happen to be the eccentric bore—the babbling fool hopping up and down on his soap box.

Then again, as any /b/tard knows, everything goes on the internet.

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