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Author's notes - Book 5     (2022)

With the "great awakening" and the culture war hitting the high water
mark, and rolling back, as a writer it's really hard to determine how the
future will reference today.  What will they come to call what's going on
now?  How will tomorrow account for today's world as we are casting off
the deep state, the self-immolating globalist WEF clusterfucks, as well
as all the "mockingbird" media dipshits? 

It really makes you wonder?

I remember during Tet how Walter Cronkite lost my little seven year old
self when he declared, "The war is now unwinnable."  I do recall sitting
there thinking that the NVA has just blown their wad, and we're kicking
the living crap outta 'em, but this asshole is saying this dumb-ass shit!
That's how the media lost me — but how the Democratic Party lost my
impressionable ass was during Watergate...

Tricky Dick really didn't do anything wrong, but the final nail in that coffin
was when the Deomocratic-majority congress defunded the Paris Peace
Accords!  That was the line in the sand for me because now they get to
gloat that the United States lost a war — when it was them that threw it
away by the lies, the knee-capping ROEs,and now via revisionist proxy.
The Gulf of Tonkin was false-flag horseshit and, yet again, it makes you
wonder what they've been lying about before and afterwards?

Trust me, you'll be in jaw-dropping shock when it all comes out!   ...soon

I have hated the DNC and Marxist left after that, and these people have
generously reenforced that loathing time and again ever since.  They're
not just simply ethically challenged, nor are they morally bankrupt per
se, no, these fickwits are fully Roots-blown evil to the core! 

See, when stupid people look to do rotten shit they tend to talk about
what they're going to do (i.e. vaunt) and the globalists, the WEF, their
allies and Central Bank crowd have not dissapointed! 

They spelled it all out, published it in written text, and memorialized it by
way of speeches and videos—and all of it on the Tubes for your leisurely
perusal!  These idjits didn't even try to hide any of it, they vaingloriously
bragged and gloated and pat themselves on the back for the dawning of
an exclusive "utopia" for just their ilk...not us.

About 15 years ago I happened to pull down the Agenda-21 pdf from the
United Nations webpage and I read it.  They were talking about wanting
to depopulate the world by 90% and they wanted to do this on the quick!
Now, you have to ask yourself how they were going to go about this feat
but their methods were not spelled out.  Since then we discovered they
wanted to accomplished it all by way of economic collapse, war, famine,
vaccines and boutique viruses.

Exempli gratia, just recently I was watching Bill Gates chatting away on
this very topic, in several videos, all about population control by way of
vaccines as a delivery mechanism.  Point is, involuntary sterilization and
myocardial murder tends not to set well with normal people—and leaves
us wondering how a tribunal will interpret his words so self-reverenced
on these videos? 

In short, the Davos bon ton are not your everyday Bond villains, nor are
they Sith for that matter—not even the same league!  No, all these janky
maroons are comicaly absurd, mustachioed-twirling Austin Powers type

Fortunately for us it's so bloody well out in the open, but in our far future
they will not be talking about it.  They will never forget, nor will they try to
sweep it under the carpet, but the idea that this went as far as it did will
still be shocking to those generations.  On a positive note, these events
may very well bury the "hammer and sickle" once and for all!

Yup, I'm good with that but...the question stands?


Pants on fire:

At the end of "never knows best" (69) Seth made an ominous prediction
that left one hanging and wondering how and why?  This revelation was
supposed to appear 28 chapters later during "steal your face" (97) where
Seth lays out a bitter/cryptic choice...not offer a Faustian sour-grape!

If it was just about the death of David and a threat to Jacob's life then
it all worked out beautifully!  With everything that was packed into that
moment I was tripping over my dick trying to make it flow...

So, I had to cut and...that was my bitter choice.

If "the lie" happens to materialize in the extended story (beyond book 6)
just be assured that it will be an opportunistic drop.  It won't be planned
for, and I do know of a future moment where this could work but I refuse
to crowbar it in just to save face! 

Sure, I feel like I got egg on that face but I won't lie.  A very important
moment was cut, and because of the time you invest in reading my shit
I think you deserve better than me trying to not look stupid, but that ship
set sail long ago...



To bump Piper off like that was just gawd-awful, and I do feel unclean
to have to drop-kick her off the set but it had to get done!  I've actually
been struggling with why that was necessary, but this was a character
building exercise with Boxter that was planned for from the beginning
so I was not going to second-guess the choices I made way back then
all because you and I love the character now! 

Boxter needed to be on an equal footing with Jessica and Seth.

I know it was a surprise to many of you that Piper meant to do that, but
it still doesn't make it any easier.  Like I've said before, these characters
do write themselves and I only feel like a conduit anymore.

If we head into an expanded series (past book 6) I do want you readers
to know that there is a flashback moment planned between Boxter and
Piper that takes place just days before "damnatio memoriae" here in
book 5.  Boxter boots Piper up early to ask for her permission to marry
Sally and, yea, it's both a sad and uplifting moment. 

I just wanted ya'll to know that in case it gets cut?


Walnut corset:

When editing a film a huge chunk of what you shoot never makes it to
the final cut, and the same goes for books!  By now, working on book 5,
very little of the completed text gets the axe—but a metric fuck-ton of all
the research (95-98%) never makes it to the story. 

It's like when you're framing a door on a work site!  You got hundreds of
2x4 studs lyin' about but you only want the best three or four for the job at hand.  You don't know which ones it'll be until it's finished!

Point being, Seth did say to Jessica that Guns (Michelle Kiel) was going
to slither her way into Jacob's bed—and inside four chapters, that span
almost the next four years, you go from clue-bag to after the fact! 

We don't see him in a wheelchair at Monique's, we don't see him workin'
remotely, we don't see him bonding with all the family, we don't see him
consulting for Carlos on set, we don't see Guns grabbing up the Mission
Oversight flights from Jessica (thus freeing Scarab for missions that we
have yet to see) and we don't get to see Michelle making her big move!

Frustrating, ain't it?

If I put it all in it'd be 800+ pages and dull as a braille Baptist Hymnal!

Let's do this, after book 6 is done, and I'm mapping out 7 and 8, I'll look
to punching out some "bonus chapters" for the webpage.  Jacob in La
Cañada, Bob on Second Hand, Jessica on some of her missions, some
of the deCap encounters, and maybe expand on Ngati-Wha!

Hopefully any fanfic that may arise I pray will stick to the CXi Service
Division and S3 sidequests, but let's see where this goes?


Coochy coup:

Maria's transfer to the CXi, and Scott moving into her office, were both
planned for in book 6 but we pushed it up early for two viable reasons!
First off, such a transition now will be more in synch with reality because
being blind-sided with this sort of shit is simply SOP in the real world!

Second, Jacob lost command of SA36 before combat operations started
and, without him admitting it, he felt cheated.  Here he'll get to command
SA96 during ops for a few months before things wrap up at pTau.

No, we don't get to see any of these missions.  In the big picture they
are necessary, but their significance is in re truncating Co-op numbers. 

Its the subtraction game in play...and he will understand that he got the
better end of the deal when the war started.  He just didn't realize that
until he actually sat in command.


Civil eXploration initiative:

The CXi was originally a dumb-ass Star Trekian background gimmick all
to carry the extended story while they head towards their future dust-up
with the kOri but, when given some serious thought while punching out
book 2...it gained traction in relevance. 

We had to encorporate it and start dropping hints as early as book 4.

For Maria and the SA it becomes a massive coup — and the de facto
DNR to the United Nations when it gasps its last in book 12.  That is,
if we make it there!  I'm curious if I can pull this off?

Referential treatment is being put off until book 6 notes...


Armes à cinq:

We had a few new additions to the Annex quiver but we didn't have the
canvas to share them with you, the reader!  In this book we're bringing
in the Hornet missile, an updated Spider missile, and an abbreviated
take on the Pazuzu gun for both the 47 and 74 platforms. 

Ya feel cheated, right?

If it ever green-lights for film we'll probably be able to pad the fights to
show them off but, as it is, time and space does not allow for it here in
book 5.  At least we got to go to a pit-plant for a smash-n-grab!

Or, is that a smash-n...smash? ...blast? ...kaplowee?  Anyway...


Roadside attractions:

When I just started to convert my original screenplay for jacc in the box
into book form, I solicited a few writing buddies for some sage advice.

The one thing a dear friend (that's you, Betty!) made me pinky-promise
was NOT to write ahead!  That means to write sequentially and refrain
from writing chapters that are a ways out.

I'm glad I took it to heart...

By the time chapter 111 dropped in from the queue I realized that for
the last 25 years I thought of a thousand different ways of writing this
damned chapter.  I had hundreds of notes and outlines and blockings
and, if you can believe it, fricken storyboards for Christ's sake!

Nothing I thought up for it sucked, on the contrary, but in retrospect
none of what I compiled all this time actually fit the moment when I
got there!  Then again, I have always thought chapters 111 and 112
were the pivotal chapters to this story...then upon reflection I realize
chapter 81 (sunk cost fallacy) was the narrative axial all along!

Chapter 81 is what stitches it all together, in the middle of book 4,
but you won't see that until 134.  I may be the creator of this IP but
it took quite awhile for me to see that...d'uh!


It's alive!

This thing is fur'real me dudes an' dudettes... 

Yes, this thing actually exists!  My mother had a buttload of jewelry and
this was the one thing I wanted when she passed...and I got it! 

Everybody thinks their mother is special, and they'd be right, but my
mom was an interior decorator, a working artist (painting and quilling)
and in the early '60s, after four kids and divorcing my father, she landed
the highest paying job a woman could get back in 1963...she became a
[Playboy Bunny] at the Kansas City Playboy Club!

An' ya gotta admit that'd be a hoot-n-a-half as a kid!

When it came to the "well, your mom" battles...well, I got passed over!

This fugly-ass ring started more conversations and opened more doors
for my mother that I can possibly count.  She had more friends than you
could imagine but, with time, they all drifted away because they got so
damned envious of her.  Not all of them, but most of 'em.

We lived in a crappy lil' post-war tract house that she transformed into a
showpiece, an eclectic mix of Early American and French Colonial, and
when she died—my brother and sister both said to me that the spirit of
the house "poof" vanished with her...

I'd love to chat with me mom but, not knowing where she is, if Pat ever
were to dial me up collect—I ain't pickin' up the charges!

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